Poverty2Prosperity (P2P) Funds Summary
P2P General Fund
P2P's General Fund is primarily used for making micro-loans, however, funds donated to this account may also be used for other poverty-alleviating projects from time to time as P2P sees value and maximum effect. For example, P2P has also been involved in raising funds for the Mirembe Community College program in Uganda in 2009 and again in 2011. We helped bring about a cooking/catering school, beauty school, and post-graduation programs. We can also use funds in this account to help launch new funds like some of those listed below.
Honor/Memorial Wall Perpetual Fund
Poverty2Prosperity has created an Honor/Memorial Wall Fund to help folks honor and/or remember loved ones in a way that honors the people that they were by spreading kindness around the world through a help-out rather than a hand-out. Since the P2P funds average a 99+% repayment rate, this perpetual fund will go indefinitely into the future helping the working poor one person after another. For details on listing a person on the Honor/Memorial Wall, please see the Honor/Memorial Wall Perpetual Fund Page.
Women's Only Perpetual Fund
The funds in this account will be used to fund loans to women exclusively. 70% of women and their families are living in poverty. There are good reasons to loan to women who do not have access to traditional credit. Repayment rates for loans made to women are higher than men. On average, women reinvest 80% of their income in the well-being of their children and working women are more likely to educate their daughters than men.
Agriculture Fund
Access to quality, nutritious food is fundamental to human existence. Secure access to food can produce wide ranging positive impacts including economic growth and job creation. Farmers are a robust source of jobs for others. Supporting farmers supports communities in so many ways.
Education/Tuition Fees Fund
Although P2P was initially focused on funding business/entrepreneurial loans, we now realize that there is definitely another way to break the cycle of poverty and that's through education. The Education Fund was created to help support those people who were seeking a loan for tuition fees, school supplies, and to education providers as well.
Artisans Fund
Artisans have some of the highest repayment rates of any loans we currently make. For example, one of our partners, Novica, has a 100% repayment rate so far! That's not a single defaulted loan in over 10 years! Because these artists are selling their goods, more often than not, they repay their loans back to us EARLY!
Climate Fund
The Climate Fund is our first partnership lending fund. The Climate Pilots are a group that specializes in finding borrowers whose activities reduce their impact on climate. Here are some examples of the types of loans that will be funded: Solar solutions for smallholder farmers, lamps (replacing kerosene), food storage which helps to reduce food waste and make food production more efficient, recycling collection services, regenerative agriculture (e.g. putting nitrogen back in the soil), biomass stoves and biodigesters, seaweed farming, and bamboo, just to name several.
Mirani Foundation India (Bahrat) Fund
Dr. Haresh Mirani and the Mirani Foundation have made a founding donation to our first country-specific fund (besides our USA Fund). This fund will make loans exclusively to India. P2P is interested in founding more country-specific perpetual funds, so if you have interest in founding such a fund, please contact us.
Youth Fund (24 & Under)
Young adults need opportunities to work. By allowing them access to affordable loans for businesses we give them options! Typically, young adults have less experience and fewer resources. With a micro-loan, they have real choices.
Personal Housing Fund
This P2P fund is dedicated to funding loans for Personal Housing. We believe that having a stable housing situation can help foster the ability of an entire family to help lift themselves out of poverty. With stable housing, things like getting and keeping a job, starting a business, and getting an education are all much more easily attainable.
SOS Loan Fund
The P2P SOS Loan fund uses donations to strive to keep older loans from expiring and going unfunded/partially unfunded. Because this fund is so strategically-minded and focused on a specific type of loan, it is not limited to a 10% maximum distribution in any one country. Tony Gooch was the founding donor of SOS Loan Fund and you can read more about it our press release: Click Here.
USA-Only Fund [BETA]
Those in poverty in the United States experience a different level of poverty than those living in third world countries who live on $2-$3 per day. While the United States may have a different level of poverty, P2P feels strongly that it needs to support USA borrowers with loans as well, however, we have tagged this fund as "experimental" because we feel it has the potential to have more fluctuations in performance than our other funds.
Individual Perpetual Funds
While Perpetual Fund donations of less than $5,000 will go into the general Perpetual Fund, users who prefer to track their own Perpetual Fund portfolio and who are willing to make at least a $5,000 donation can have a separte Perpetual Fund set up. Loaning prefences can be established as guidelines (as agreed to by P2P) (e.g. Agriculture and Regions). Please contact us through our Contact Page if this interests you.
Future Specific Perpetual Funds
P2P has some great ideas for expanding the our fund portfolio to include specific funds for the following areas: Asia, South America, and Africa, Climate-related (coming May 2024). If you would like to help get one of these funds started, please contact us.
Tax Deductions
Poverty2Prosperity.org is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible (consult your tax adviser). If you would like to use this service, please feel free to contact P2P through the Contact link above to make any arrangements or visit our donations page.