Poverty2Prosperity (P2P) Funds Summary

P2P Regular Fund

P2P's regular fund is primarily used for making micro-loans on the Kiva.org lending platform. However, funds donated to this account may also be used for other poverty-alleviating projects from time to time as P2P sees value and maximum effect. For example, P2P has also been involved in raising funds for the Mirembe Community College program in Uganda in 2009 and again in 2011. We helped bring about a cooking/catering school, beauty school, and post graduation programs. In general, donations made to P2P go into this fund by default. You can view or Regular Fund account on Kiva here: Click Here

P2P Perpetual Fund

P2P offers a service that provides guaranteed perpetual loaning through the Kiva.org platform. Users who wish to have donations loaned perpetually into the future can make a donation to this fund. This fund is 'locked' with Kiva and once funds have been deposited into this account, they cannot be removed. For Perpetual Fund donations over $2,500, you can set up an individual Perpetual account that is managed by P2P, such as the Scott Bannister or Minh Nguyen Perpetual Funds. Our main Perpetual Fund can be found here: Click Here

P2P SOS Loan Fund

The P2P SOS Loan fund uses donations to strive to keep older loans from expiring and going unfunded through the Kiva platform. Because this fund is so strategically-minded and focused on a specific type of loan, it is not limited to a 10% maximum distribution in any one country. Tony Gooch was the founding donor of SOS Loan Fund and you can read more about it our press release: Click Here. The account on Kiva can be seen here: Click Here

P2P Zip Loan Fund

The P2P Zip Loan fund uses the Kiva Zip platform for lending. The fund aims to make a more direct connection with borrowers. The fund was initially created with a founding contribution by Scott Banister who also has an individual perpetual fund managed by P2P. The Zip fund loans can be seen here: Click Here.

Individual Perpetual Funds (Donations of at least $2,500)

While Perpetual Fund donations of less than $2,500 will go into the general Perpetual Fund, users who prefer to track their own Perpetual Fund portfolio and who are willing to make at least a $2,500 donation can have a separte Perpetual Fund set up. Loaning prefences can be established as guidelines (as agreed to by P2P) as well (e.g. Agriculture and Regions).

Future Specific Perpetual Funds

P2P has some great ideas for expanding the Perpetual Fund portfolio to include specific funds for the following areas: Agriculture, Food, Women, Men, Asia, South America, Africa, and a few others. If you would like to help get one of these funds started, please contact us.

Tax Deductions

Poverty2Prosperity.org is a U.S. 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible (consult your tax adviser). If you would like to use this service, please feel free to contact P2P through the Contact link above to make any arrangements or visit our donations page.

Thanks to KF Henry who came up with and suggested the Perpetual Fund concept to P2P.